Master of International Criminal Law program
will provide
students with knowledge and skills to understand the fundamental principles of
laws and its relationship with man and society. Participating students
will understand core topics of law such as principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law,
accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of
powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of
arbitrariness and procedural and legal transparency.
Learning about International
Criminal Law makes possible to better understand the universal values that
preside over the duty to protect human rights, and to better analyse the ins and
outs of what constitutes the first crime against humanity, especially "war".
The program
contains very interesting
curriculum and training exercises, it will enable
students to answer three simple but terribly difficult questions:
● Does
International Criminal Law stand between Hope and Disillusion?
● Does it constitute a fragile or strong foundation for sustaining Peace?
Is it a tool for
reflection on the future of the Mankind?
School of Law upholds the indivisible doctrine that
law must be accessible, intelligible, clear, and predictable. Our students
will learn these
We are committed
to the dynamism
of an
ever-changing world to creating a
studies that
truly teach
law to
equitably without being
for the benefits of the powerful.
Distinguished Professor Judge Dr. Navin-Chandra Naidu, Associate Professor
Michele Bourgeois
other Learned
Scholars will be teaching and mentoring students in achieving excellence in the
fundamentals and practice of law with the How to Study Law system instead
of the What to Study in Law