Rockfield College

OF Sciences AND



























RCST provide students with choices of flexible learning styles supported distance learning e.g Online, Text-based, and Hybrid Learning.  Students that enrolled on distance learning study can start and complete the study program at anytime without commuting to organised classes, this is cost-effective way to combine jobs with studies which gives student the flexibility to fit education around career and family commitments.












RCST Online Learning Platform



Moodle is open-source learning platform which aids the composition, distribution and administration of web-based teaching and learning environments.

Moodle offers additional learning experiences for students e.g:

● simple creation and distribution of course materials

creation and automation of online exercises and test

easy administration of student records

enable cooperative learning formats between students and faculty


RCST Online-Moodle Platform is intuitive and easy to use and will accommodate almost any computer and operating sytem. Student using Online learning platform will need a computer with reliable internet connection, a webcam and the ability to send and receive attached files via email  




Text Based Learning

Student will receive individual Instructional Materials for each Courses under a study program. RCST provides a unique and distinct “Course Learning Content” per course that are clearly written and well documented in a study manual called Course Learning Guide for ease of progression. Course Learning Guide for a particular course contains full instructional information including Course Description, Learning Outcomes, Course Syllabus, Core Textbook, List of Reference Textbooks, Learning Activities, Performance Assignments Questions etc. RCST Instructional Materials are well designed and continuously being updated to reflect recent topics of the modern economics.




Professional Mentoring

Students will have access to our experienced Faculty-Mentors and Administrators. RCST operates open communication channels through Telephone, Live-Video, Live-Conference and Email to provide continuous tutorial assistances throughout the study. Student will have continuous dialogue with appointed instructors in order to guide and assist the student with the course and evaluate the written course-work submitted for grading. The academic and faculty support will afford student the opportunity to revise the course-work and to submit the revision to the instructor for a re-evaluation.




Distance Learning with Private Tutorial

Student on distance learning programs my request additional learning support through PTS Private Tutorial Session. RCST Student Services Team will help arrange for one-on-one live-meeting and mentoring with Resource Tutor to understand specific topics in a course. Student will pay PTS Fees per hour. (please contact Student Services Office for details)


Benefits of supported Distance Learning

Above options will encourage students toward exceptional commitment with self-discipline, self-appraisal, and self-revelation. Increasing numbers of students are pursuing their academic goals at RCST through the flexible characters of our academic programs that helps student ...

  to save money and pursue educational objectives without giving up jobs or neglecting one's family

  to make significant contributions to career development, while staying in full-time employment

  to select courses and programs that are appropriate and relevant to personal needs

  to remain motivated to complete a program and earn recognise academic qualifications









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