Rockfield College

OF Sciences AND






















  Admission AND ENROLMENT:  Transfer Credits Policy


  Admission Requirements

   Admission EvaluatioN PROCESS

   Transfer Credits Policy

  Tuition Fees Information

   Student Testimonials 









RCST Study Programs has been carefully designed to be convenient, relevant, and build on your past academic courseworks and professional experience.  RCST will accept Transfer Credits which makes it possible for accomplished students to complete the study program within the shortest possible time.

Our Admission Evaluation Committee will make proper evaluation of students' previous education and training, and appropriate college-level credits accepted will be transferred into the program. There are limited transfer credits into master and postgraduate study programs .










   Transfering Credits to RCST


 RCST Rockfield College of Sciences and Technology will allows Transfer Credits completed from prior higher education courses credits earned from recognised university and colleges, training institutions, professional examinations, and relevant professional licenses and certifications


Maximum Transfered Credits to Degree Program at RCST

Bachelor Program -  up to 70 percent of Undergraduate Courses can be transfe into Bachelor program

Master Program -  up to 30 percent of Graduate Courses can be transferred into Master program

Doctoral Program -  up to 25 percent of Postgraduate Courses can be transfer into Doctorate program





1. Academic Credits:  College Equivalency Credits (CEC)


Academic Credits enables student to earn academic credits for previous education, by taking account of your previous academic and professional studies.  RCST allows limited transfer credits into Undergraduate and Graduate programs provided the exempted courses are aedequately relevant to the student’s program and equivalent in both content and degree level of Undergraduate or Graduate courses

RCST accepts academic credits from institutions accredited by agencies recognised by Swiss Accreditation Services (SAS); Council for Higher Education Accreditation (USA); and Supra-National Government Agency (Local and International) authorised to provide educational quality certification


2.  Professional Experience:  Prior Experiential Learning (PEL)


RCST uses guidelines established by the CAEL Council for Adult Education and Experiential Learning (USA. RCST will allows student to bring into the program quality work experience and independent learning that will earns them academic credits, Knowledge and understanding of course content acquired through experience, such work experience must be deemed equivalent to University-Level of learning, and the ability to demonstrate a balance between Theory and Practice. Prospective Student will submit an Experiential Learning Portfolio to RCST to be consider for acceptable transfer credits under PEL


Transfer Credits under Prior Experiential Learning (PEL) will be according to RCST Admisison Guidelines.  Our Admission Evaluation Commitee in coordination with Student Services Departmentv will process your application to determine acceptable level of quality Transfer Credits allowed based upon documents submited for Admission and Evaluation. The basis for Granting Academic Credits transfer under Prior Experiential Learning (PEL) will include:


 Proof of completion of college-level learning.

  Evidential measurable learning outcomes, not the experience alone.

  Prior courses / training completed are proven equivalent to one of RCST course offering.

  Student demonstrates that prior learning acquired had an appropriate balance of theory and practical application to the enrolled degree program

 Academic Dean makes decisions regarding the granting of academic credit for experiential learning.



     Advanced Standing Qualifications  


Prospective Students who possess qualifications above and higher than the minimum admission requirements is deemed to have Advanced Standing Qualification (ASQ).  The possession of recognised Advanced Standing Qualification will result in Reduce Total Cost and Study Duration for chosen degree program.  Prospective student with verifiable Advanced Standing Higher Qualifications above the minimum program admission requirement will be granted considerable exemption from courses passed at prior trainings, and the courses passed are deemed equivalent to courses offering at RCST, thus reduce the cost and duration of study. Total Tuition Fees will depend on the qualifications held and quality transfer credits granted.









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