Rockfield College

OF Sciences AND






























Welcome to the School of Law and Public Administration at RCST Rockfield College of Sciences and Technology

We assembled qualified and experience professors and instructors charged with supporting the career goals of candidates for Law degrees, and working with students to exhibit strong commitment to finding answers, solutions or resolutions by navigating their ways through the depths of seasoned Law and Jurisprudence.


RCST Law degree programs and curriculum are designed and tailored to empowers and enriches the students’ career aspirations in Law to become Civil and Criminal Defense Lawyers, Government Lawyers, Law Lecturers, Law Consultants for Corporations, Parliamentarians in House of Parliament and House of Assembly charged with law making for the Nations, States and Sovereign Indigenous Communities


RCST School of Law and Public Administration provides students and professionals the affordable Fast-Track Law Programs focusing on specific fields of the law which encompass areas of Law studies leading to professional degrees including the Bar Examinations. We offers diverse Undergraduate and Graduate programs that have been carefully and thoughtfully sourced from the Ancient Law, Hammurabi Code, Code of Justinian, Magna Carta, Roman law and the English Common Law system with particular emphasis on pith and substance of equity.





Main objective of RCST Law School and Public Administration to ensure our professionally-trained students are well equipped, willing and able to administer Laws for the betterment and advancement of society. Students enjoys flexible learning styles - Online and Blended Learning - you never missed home and family.  If you are interested in preparing for inspiring careers in Law and Public Administration, RCST School of Law is your reliable trainers and partners «“Ut Mutationem Agente” – “be an agent of change”».


Warmest regards

Honorable Judge Navin C. Naidu, PhD

Distinguished Professor of Law

Director, RCST School of Law and Public Administration


   ֎ LAW PROGRAMS LINKS >>  Fast-Track Law Degrees Programs.    Bachelor AND Master of Laws.   Doctor of Laws (DLaw).




Professor Judge Navin Chandra Naidu earned his first law degree in India in 1971. He was taught law as a liberating imperative, and began his law practice by "questioning the establishment" for using law as a controlling tool. After obtaining his Masters degree in England, he emigrated to the United States where he began taking on the establishment for the benefit, well-being and advancement of the Native Americans. 


Professor Naidu was appointed to the Native American Bench in 2002 where he still serves as Chief Judge for several Native American Tribal Governments. In 2005, he received Doctorate degree from Native American tribal governments for work expended as a tireless Jurist fighting the course of Indigenous Peoples. He established Thomas J. Widlar College of Law USA, and Kinta Valley Knowledge Village Malaysia, to enriching the teaching of Laws.


His journey as law practioner took him to Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Pacific and South Africa where his advice is constantly being sought for the liberating force of the law. Professor Naidu founded Global United Natives (GUN) to promoting the inalienable sovereignty of Indigenous Governments worldwide, and bringing together global Indigenous Communities as a united force to validate and recognised Indigenous Peoples' de facto inalienable sovereignty. He has written and author several constitutions for these Indigenous de facto governments. He currently writes prolifically as a syndicated law columnist for the "New Sarawak Tribune" in the Borneo Territories (Malaysia).


Faculty and Students of RCST are highly honoured to have Judge Naidu as a great addition to the Faculty Team of RCST School of Law. He is an Exceptional Learned Scholar, Law Teacher and Mentor that teaches Law from the roots to shoots. Our students are getting a compendium of professionalism and intellectual feast as Professor Naidu teaching skills are at the cutting edge of the study of law.  Visit Chamber Speaks to read recent articles and thoughts on Law and Justice by Honorable Judge Naidu






























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