Rockfield College

OF Sciences AND



























Doctor of Aviation Sciences and Management (DSAM) at RCST is a unique opportunity for outstanding aviation professionals willing to become tomorrow senior leaders in the air transport industry. The learning structure for our Doctorate program in Aviation Sciences is in two parts (Taught Courses and Independent Research).

The first part (Taught Courses) is intended to prepare middle managers to senior management level roles. It allows Aviation professionals to advance their knowledge in a wide range of areas and to explore new air transportation concepts. It aims to prepare future senior managers to cope with the various challenges of the next century.  The second part (Independent Research) of the program is to research current issues in Aviation Industry. Professionals will develop practical skills in research related to the aviation industry. It gives future senior leaders the opportunity to enhance their problem-solving and analytical skills. Those abilities are highly recommended for senior management positions.


The Doctoral degree in Aviation Sciences and Management (DASM) will facilitates a substantial amount of skill refinement in addition to building an advanced knowledge-base for learners and accomplished individuals for effective performance in the rigorous roles of Aviation leadership. Highly qualified people with degrees in Aviation Sciences are in growing demand by National and International Aviation Authorities, Corporate Airlines Organizations, and Aviation training institutions to lead core divisions e.g. Aviation Administration, Instructional Development, Program, Aviation and Airport Planning and Quality Assurance, Organizational Assessment, Aviation Educational Research and Development


The Doctoral program consist of well research interdisciplinary courses relevant to the requirement of educational and training organizations,  courses and terminal assignments require a rigorous level of commitment from the candidates.  The distinguished and influential title of "Doctor of Aviation Sciences and Management - DASM" is earned by candidates who have completed the prescribed advanced level courseworks with demonstrated theoretical and practical competencies leading to well prepared dissertations which our Dissertation Committee and Subjects Experts recognised as a credible contribution to literatures of the discipline





program Learning Outcomes - Doctor of AVIATION SCIENCE


 Understand the importance of making the right operational decisions at the time where an airport master plan is draft.

Acquire in-depth knowledge of Civil Aviation Authorities’ responsibilities in improving safety and security in aviation.

Understand the interaction between the different players involved in the future commercial space flights.

Master various steps of Air Operators, Aircraft, and Maintenance organizations Certification process

Elaborate and conceive the environmental policies for the airlines and airports of the 22nd century

Master the different phases of a major international aviation project management life cycle.

Become tomorrow entrepreneurs in launching new commercial, business or space airlines.

Develop advanced leadership, organizational and management skills in an aviation environment.




Career PATHS

Doctor of Aviation Sciences and Management degree will prepare students for exciting professional careers in leadership positions in public, academic and corporate organizations such as:



 University Professor / Faculty Mentor

Airline Operations Director / Strategist

Senior Aviation Specialist

 Aviation Curriculum Advisor

 Aviation Project Head / Director

 Civil Aviation Authority Senior Manager

 Airport Chief Operating Officer

 Aviation Industry Development Director





program Learning Structure

Aviation Professors and Practitioners at RCST School of Aviation Sciences and Technology has carefully researched and developed the professional oriented topics of learning for the Doctor of Aviation Sciences and Management Program. The learning structure for DASM program is in three parts:





DASM 710

Airlines of the Future

DASM 730

Next Generation Airports

DASM 760

Commercial Space Flights

DASM 810

Aviation Leadership and Management

DASM 830

Project Management in Aviation

DASM 850

Business and Corporate Aviation

DASM 870

Organizational Behavior Applications in Aviation

DASM 890

Civil Aviation Authorities: Rules, Regulations and Enforcement






DASM 910

Professional Research Paper I  (5000 to 6000 words)

DASM 930

Professional Research Paper II  (5000 to 6000 words)

DASM 950

Professional Research Paper III  (6000 to 7000 words)






DBA 975

Doctoral Thesis Proposal**

DAB 980

Doctoral Thesis Writing, Presentation and Defence***


** Thesis Proposal of 2000 words must be submitted for approval before starting the thesis

*** Thesis full work should be between 40,000 to 80,000 words

Student can chose one field from the professional concentrations listed in Stage 2.








Professional Research Electives:

Student will decide the Professional Concentration (Degree Major), and complete a minimum of 3 Graduate-Level Courses within a chosen Professional Concentration - Degree Major. The 3 Academic Courseworks MUST correspond to the chosen degree major when writing the Three (3) Research Papers for the Elective Courses


Approved Research Fields:  

Below listed Professional Electives Courses are the areas of research supported by RCST School of Aviation Sciences, student will decide the Topics and Titles of the selected Research Courseworks within the listed fields of studies:


Aviation Accident Investigation

Aviation Human Factors

 Airline Operations

 Airline Safety

 Airport Operations

 Airport Design

Airport Safety



Proposals For Research Papers (3 Elective Courses):

Student on the Doctor of Aviation Sciences and Management (DASM) program is require to write a Research Proposal for each selected Course within the mandatory Professional Research Electives.  The Research Proposal (maximum 3 pages) should be submitted to The Chair, Doctoral Programs (copy: Director, School of Aviation Sciences) for Review and Approval.  Upon the approval of each respective proposal, the Nominated Supervisor-Professor will send a written respond to the student e.g. Faculty Comment (Approval and Instruction) for each Research Proposal, thereafter the student can start working on the Research Paper for each of the 3 Elective Courses chosen from above






GRAduation requirements

 Doctor of Aviation Sciences and Management (DASM) degree requires the successful completion of 100 ECTS-Units (European Credits Transfer System) above Master degree. The total cumulative credits will include core courses, elective courses and applicable transfer credits. RCST has pool of highly qualified and experienced Faculty-Mentors to provide quality mentoring and support throughout the study. Student performance will be measured against acceptable overall academic achievements


Doctoral - DASM Candidate Profiles

Doctor of Aviation Science and Management program is aimed at acclaimed professionals interested in attaining the highest academic knowledge in Aviation Organization and Leadership, Institutional Policy Formulation, and Sustainable Development, and willing to contribute to the development of knowledge in the disciplines of Aviation Leadership, Institutional administration, Policy and Regulation

Candidate must be at least 30-years old

Possess Master or Doctorate Degree or equivalent qualifications from recognised institutions

Academic and professional qualifications in the fields of Social Science, Law, etc

 Possess supervisory or management level work experience in private and public organizations


    Additional Information FOR THE PROGRAM



Graduation Award

Doctor of Aviation Sciences and Mangement

Total Credits Required.

Minimum 100 ECTS-Credits (include transfer credits)

Assessment Methods

Assignments, Seminar, Projects, Independent Research (Course Examination)

Program Study Methods

Supported Distance Learning (SDL) and Online (Study Methods)



Admission Requirements

Master Degree or equivalent (Admission Requirements)

Admission Intakes (DLS)

Year-Round Admission anytime for Distance Learning Study (DLS)

Study Duration (DLS)

15 Months or Less, depends on Transfer Credits

Tuition Fees (DLS)

CHF 750.00 per course (see Tuition Fees Information)

Admission Evaluation

CHF 100.00  (Admission Evaluation Processing - Non-Refundable)

































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