Rockfield College

OF Sciences AND



























RCST Undergraduate Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management will equip students with relevant knowledge and skills required to be successful in the Leisure and Tourism Industry. The program prepares candidates for an exciting, dynamic and challenging careers in the global hospitality industry.  Higher diploma qualification will enhance the student's prospect in finding suitable employment in the chosen profession. Alternatively, it can be used as Advanced Entry Qualification onto a Bachelor degree program including the Bachelor of Business Administration program of RCST Rockfield College of Sciences and Technology Switzerland









   Courses:  Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management

HDBM 121

Foundation of Business

HDBM 122

Introduction to Management

HDBM 123

Business Accounting

HDBM 124

Introduction to Economics

HDBM 125

Introduction to Marketing

HDBM 126

Business Communication

HDHM 231

Hospitality Management

HDHM 232

Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism

HDHM 233

Accounting for Hospitality Industry

HDHM 234

Customer Service Operations

HDHM 235

Hospitality & Tourism Law

HDHM 236

Resource & Facilities Management

HDHM 237

Food and Beverage Management

HDHM 238

Resort Management & Operations






graduation Requirements

 Undergraduate Higher Diploma in Hospitalit Management (HDHM) requires successful completion of 13 Undergraduate Courses - minimum 70 ECTS-units (European Credits Transfer System). The Total Cumulative Credits will include recommended courses and applicable transfer credits. Student performance will be measured against acceptable overall academic achievements.


Progression to Bachelor Program

Student that successfully completed the Undergraduate Higher Diploma (UHD) can move ahead to enrol in the BBA top-up program - - Bachelor of Business Administration program at RCST Rockfield College of Sciences and Technology Switzerland or at another university worldwide


    Additional Information FOR THE PROGRAM


Graduation Award

Undergraduate Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management (HDHM)

Total Credits Required

Minimum 70 ECTS-Credits (include transfer credits)

Assessment Methods

Exams and Assignments per course (Course Examination)

Program Study Methods

Supported Distance Learning (SDL) and Online (Study Methods)

Study Duration (DLS)

15 Months or Less, depends on Transfer Credits



Admission Requirements

High School Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma or equivalent (Admission Requirements)

Admission Intakes (DLS)

Year-Round Admission anytime for Distance Learning Study (DLS)

Tuition Fees (DLS)

CHF 400.00 per course (see Tuition Fees Information)

Admission Evaluation

CHF 100.00  (Admission Evaluation Processing - Non-Refundable)



























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